Please Explain

One of the things I enjoy about writing is the feedback and communication you have with readers, haters (check the comment section!) as well as other writers. It’s always enjoyable to bounce ideas off one another, discuss theories, etc. Yesterday I had another writer contact me and we had a fascinating discussion about some research they had been doing on our favourite charity, the Thomas Kelly Youth Foundation.
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Fulde Me Once…

One of the best lessons you can learn in life can be summed up in a few words, thanks to a saying that’s been around for centuries; “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me” Everyone Almost everyone knows the line well. The idea is if someone fools you once, shame on them for tricking you. But if they fool you a second time, shame on you for letting them. The saying doesn’t go on to mention third, fourth, fifth times and so on, but you get the idea. Given deception and trickery is so prevalent in this day and age, perhaps it’s time the old saying was given an update to reflect the times.

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The Pantomime

“Sicilians are great liars. The best in the world. I’m Sicilian. My father was the world heavy-weight champion of Sicilian liars. From growing up with him I learned the pantomime. There are seventeen different things a guy can do when he lies to give himself away. A guys got seventeen pantomimes. A woman’s got twenty, but a guy’s got seventeen… but, if you know them, like you know your own face, they beat lie detectors all to hell. Now, what we got here is a little game of show and tell. You don’t wanna show me nothin’, but you’re tellin me everything” – Vincenzo Coccotti (True Romance, 1993)

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Welcome to NSW. Population: 353

New South Wales has been around for a while, and it’s fair to say she’s had a pretty good run. However, despite being first part of the country to have British settlement over two hundred years ago, New South Wales is still lagging far behind all other Australian states and territories in the population stakes. On the upside, we have a lot of space. With the total land area just over 800,000 square kilometres, each citizen of New South Wales enjoys over 2000 square kilometres all to themselves. Driving is a luxurious treat.

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No Comment

Following up our previous investigation, we open the books to the Foundation and scrutinise the most recent annual report. Having just accessed the Thomas Kelly Youth Foundation 2014/2015 annual report there is a lot to look through.

However a full report can wait as this information appears to be something that needs to be urgently addressed.

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Keeping Up With The Kellys

There are a number of things that grind my gears, and the gears of most other rational people. Political correctness gone mad, charity muggers and social justice ambulance chasers are up there. Two others that deserve a spot in the upper echelon of pet peeves would have to be conspiracy theories and reality television. Not the theories or programs themselves necessarily as they can be quite a lot of fun to mock. But more so the people that have an unhealthy obsession with them. I don’t get it. Real life frequently provides far more entertainment. Whether they someone who has been indoctrinated by youtube nutjobs or just someone who lives vicariously through whatever inane drivel is on the idiot box, they sure do get under the skin of this particular rant merchant. Which is why when researching this piece there were often times where I stopped and thought “Suuurely not”. But unlike the plethora of tin foil hat theories and reality nonsense out there, you couldn’t make this stuff up.
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A lot can happen in two years…

There was a sense of déjà vu as we nursed our New Years hangovers and started mentally preparing ourselves for the dreaded but inevitable return to the grind. It had been a relatively uneventful Christmas break for me in terms of activities, in terms of news and to top it off the boxing day test was the dullest we’d had in years. Personally I was frustrated that despite my passion for doing very little, I had wasted my time off. This was supposed to be like the Summer of George, damnit! Although now that I think about it, it was exactly like the Summer of George… Continue reading